I love this picture for its bright colours. It conveys some sort of happiness. Like a colourful candy it gets me hungry. So I bit the air through which I stared at this scene. And it tasted lucky and I felt at ease. So I took another picture of it.

To me that was perfect harmony. Two colours shining bright into the street. It was such a common scene but I could not stop staring. I love these pictures. I wonder about the person that thought of these colours. I wonder if it is a coincidental combination. An uncommon perfect meeting of subtle pinkish and furious red at the corner of these houses. I wonder if that person might have been bored by life or rather extremly enthusiastic about it to come up with these colours. I think of the colours I would like to paint the walls of my house so people stop and stare at them with awe.
Recently a good friend of mine wrote a beautiful column about inside and outside. I guess some people are so consumed by the outside that they forget the inside. And the other way around some people live so much on the inside they never really realise the outside of things. I ask myself where I would locate myself on this either-or spectrum… I am certainly an inside person but ironically I am so deeply affected by the outside of things (as this text can tell). Probably that makes of me a sensitive person.
So affected by the outside that inevitably some of these colours will drip on my inside. How beautiful if I might carry some furious red around with me. Yet, I guess that also makes of me some sort of superficial person; if the outside of things has such an impact on me. My sister uses to say that I have a persona that is visible in the way I dress. She says that makes us distinct because to her the way of looking is not part of her identity. Whereas to me she says the way I dress is part of how I conceive of myself. A friend of mine likes to say that wherever I live I create a homy space, placing all these little things no one needs on shelves and tables. Both are right. I like when things look appealing.
It is said that the eyes are the mirror of our soul. So, if someone looks into my eyes the person should be able to perceive my soul; and so if I look at something that reflects into my eyes should I then not be able to perceive my soul through it? If that is the case then there is no inside outside really but an inside in the outside and an outside in the inside. The outsight I have then is really the insight I have. Whenever I stop and look in awe in front of something I am actually experiencing a strong insight. What attracts our look says way more about us then it says about the thing we are observing.
Maybe I am not so superficial after all, maybe I am just concerned about the harmony between outside and inside and vice versa. Anyhow, these colours speak so much to me and they probably also say something about me. And maybe they also speak in happiness to you.

Antonio Lassio
So amazing, so inspiring and wonderful picture, Great work as always Beatrice Bianca !!!